The TAME core founders come from lifelong careers as biologists, physicists, mathematicians, economists, graphic designers, environmentalists, and entrepreneurs; they applied their deep expertise to produce a series of three reports. The reports highlight the role of transit in providing effective transportation to the Upcounty, and the issue of transit justice in terms of demographic data on low-income households, age ranges, and families with only one car who are transportation-burdened. The reports also describe the climate disruption, economic hardship, flooding hazards, and health problems experienced by communities located near highways.
The Case for Canceling the Midcounty Highway Extended (M-83) and Investing in More Effective and Sustainable Alternatives (2015) co-authored by Coalition for Smarter Growth and the TAME Coalition.
Clickable Image that brings you to the full report :
Teaser1 : Take M-83 off the Master Plan : Planners drew M-83 on a map over 60 years ago, in an era of hope about driving and before awareness of the rôle of new and expanded highways for increasing sprawl, congestion, and climate disruption. It is time to put to rest the idea that M-83 highway would solve Upcounty’s transportation gridlock, and work together to create the best possible transit-oriented transportation plan. (Coalition for Smarter Growth, TAME & CSG report (2015), page 38.)
Image below is of Master Plan of Highways and Transitways, circa 1967.
The Environmental & Economic Case for Removing Midcounty Highway Extended (M83) from the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways (2016)
Clickable Image that brings you to the full report :
August 2020 :
Teaser1 : The Math of Highways – Increase in Teleworking in 2020 Yields Free-flowing Traffic.
text : Delegates Marc Korman and Carol Krimm, on July 6, 2020, sent a letter to Md Secretary of Transportation Greg Slater, noting that in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the significant increase in telework due to stay-at-home orders, Maryland can promote telework as a permanent approach to avoid highway expansion. Del. Korman and Del. Krimm wrote, « In general, we only need 5% to 15% of drivers to avoid traffic bottlenecks during peak periods for all of the traffic jams in Maryland to dissipate. » « « https://www.scribd.com/document/468570135/MDOT-Secretary-Slater-Letter-Telework
In 2015, TAME issued a report that described this same phenomenon, that TAME calls « The Math of Highways » Large increases in traffic flow (congestion relief) result from modest reductions in car use.
(later for this Teaser for this 2016 Report) : September 2020 :
Teaser2 :
Focus on Climate Resilience : Forested Floodplains Lessen Flood Damages. The M83 Highway would worsen flood damages.
text : M-83 would damage floodplains, worsen flooding, and add to sediment loads in Seneca Creek Watershed.
clickable image : « Peak Flooding in Great Seneca Creek worsened by urban development » page 49.
(later for this Teaser for this 2016 Report) : October 2020 :
Teaser3 :
Whetstone Run in Blohm Park
text : « In 1992 the County Council unanimously rejected turning lanes for M-83 on the new Watkins Mill Rd. Bridge with the conclusion that M-83 would never be built. » page 36.
Clickable Image : page 36 – map showing Whetstone Run at Watkins Mill Road
Focus on Transit Justice
Best Transportation Improvements for MidCounty Corridor Area (2017)
Clickable Image that brings you to the full report :
Teaser 1 – for August 2020 – This 2017 report by the TAME Coalition reveals that the proposed M83 highway would hit low-income communities hard.
According to the 2015 American Community Survey, the per capita income levels are significantly lower, and the poverty rate is significantly higher, in the planned tracts targeted by MC-DOT for the proposed M83 highway, compared with the larger study area, and with Montgomery County as a whole. (page 11).
Teaser #2 for the 2017 report : Hold for Sept. 2020 :
Clickable image : Estimated costs of MCDOT’s Three Scenarios : page 13.
Bus Rapid Transit is needed to serve the Upcounty communities of Clarksburg, Germantown, and Gaithersburg. The financial analysis depicted here shows that BRT on 355, plus intersection improvement projects, costs far less than the expensive M83 highway, which will cost well over a billion dollars even without the addition of Bus Rapid Transit.